Automatic handheld Pneumatic Dot Peen Marking Machine for steel cylinder Pneumatic handheld Dot Peen Marking Machine for metal for nameplate Pneumatic VIN Number Dot Peen Marking Machine for steel cylinder Handheld Marking Machine for Chassis/Frame/Engine have become an integral part of the car repairing industry. More and more repairing industry practitioners are realizing the importance of product identification and traceability. Efficient and convenient handheld marking machines are gradually replacing the cumbersome and easy to imitate traditional marking, inkjet printers, rolling molds and other methods. The handheld marking machines for chassis/frame/engine can modify the marked text and pattern at any time. The performance is extremely consistent and not easy to imitate.
Pneumatic genggem Dot Peen Marking Machine kanggo logam kanggo nameplate
VIN Number Dot Peen Marking Machine kanggo silinder baja
Mesin Penanda Pneumatik Dot Peen genggam otomatis kanggo silinder baja
luyueis a professional high quality Mesin Marking Genggam kanggo Chassis / Frame / Mesin mprodusen lan faktor ing China.Mesin Marking Genggam kanggo Chassis / Frame / Mesindigunakake digunakake ing kabeh jinis dhuwur-bahan lan macem-macem hiasan pribadi, Self-arah kontrol urip, pengacara kanggo seneng karya, seneng urip, pengacara kualitas anotasi, liyane nglereni-pinggiran, luwih publisitas, liyane istiméwa, luwih kualitas.
Handheld marking machines for chassis/frame/engine have become an integral part of the car repairing industry. More and more repairing industry practitioners are realizing the importance of product identification and traceability. Efficient and convenient handheld marking machines are gradually replacing the cumbersome and easy to imitate traditional marking, inkjet printers, rolling molds and other methods. The handheld marking machines for chassis/frame/engine can modify the marked text and pattern at any time. The performance is extremely consistent and not easy to imitate.
LYQD-SC1503A: Mesin tandha genggam pneumatik sing paling entheng lan akurasi dhuwur
LYQD-SC1503A, bobot sirah mesin mung 2.6KG, kanthi braket fitting sing disesuaikan kanggo pas karo potongan kerja sing beda. Kanthi sistem operasi interaksi manungsa-komputer gaya Windows, LYQD-SC1503A nggawe proses menehi tandha gampang lan trep.
LYQD-SC1503A bisa menehi produk sampeyan kinerja tandha permanen lan awet. LYQD-SC1503A nglengkapi motor stepping presisi dhuwur lan rel panuntun tunggal, nggawe gangguan kerja lan kinerja dhuwur. Kanthi pigura stainless steel, 22cm * 18cm * 8cm ukuran sirah mesin lan 80mm * 30mm - 150mm * 30mm ukuran menehi, LYQD-1503A bisa pas paling bêsik menehi tandha lan elek, lingkungan kerja sempit, utamané kanggo kode VIN mobil.
Sistem operasi ndhukung teks, matriks, grafik vektor karo serial, VIN, PIN, VCode, tanggal wektu, etc jinis coder kanggo pas macem-macem buruh.
Model | LYQD-SC1503A |
Jinis tandha | Pneumatic handheld |
Air pressure | 0.2-0.6Mpa |
ukuran | 22cm * 18cm * 8cm |
Bobot | 2,6kg |
Supplier daya | 220V, 50Hz, daya loro-phase |
Area tandha | 80mm * 30mm, 120mm * 30mm, 150mm * 30mm |
ambane tandha | 0,01-0,2 mm |
Motor mlaku | Digital drive Yamayama, Jepang |
Pandhuan rel | Hiwin, Taiwan, China |
jarum | Baja Tungsten, Jepang |
Fitting | Standar lan disesuaikan |
Electromagnetic marking Assembly | Germany |
1. Pesenan sing disesuaikan lan OEM didhukung.
2. All the OEM services are free, customer only need to provide us with your logo drawing, function requirements, colors, etc.
3. Ora MOQ dibutuhake.
4. Sincerely looking for distributor kabeh ndonya.