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Mesin tandha pneumatik lan mesin tandha laser beda lan aplikasi


Prinsip mesin tandha laser yaiku kanggo nyirnakake permukaan produk kanthi sinar laser kapadhetan energi sing dhuwur banget ing kontrol komputer, sing langsung nyawiji utawa nguap permukaan produk, saengga ninggalake jejak cekung sing dibutuhake ing lumahing prodhuk.

Prinsip mesin tandha pneumatik yaiku kanggo input konten sing pengin dicithak menyang komputer, komputer ngowahi dadi sinyal digital menyang pengontrol, miturut aksi udara sing dikompresi, jarum tandha nindakake gerakan mikro-impact frekuensi dhuwur. impact lumahing prodhuk, supaya lumahing prodhuk duwe tilas cekung.

The application surface of the laser marking machine is relatively wide, and the pneumatic marking machine is mostly used for metals, and a few are used for non-metals (must be non-metals with relatively high hardness). And from the degree of printing, the pneumatic is not as beautiful as the laser marking, but the pneumatic printing is relatively deep, if you need to print very deep on the metal, you will generally choose the pneumatic (such as: frame number, etc.), and the requirements are beautiful, or the products requiring relatively high precision will generally be laser.

Jinan Luyue CNC Equipment Co Ltd, kanthi pengalaman 15 taun ing produksi, R&D, lan dodolan mesin tandha, rekrut mitra regional ing Amerika Utara, Amerika Selatan, Eropa, Asia Tenggara lan wilayah liyane.

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